( )14.Let Mary ______ a book .A.to have B.having C.has D.haveIt is ______ today than yesterday .Shall we go swimming this afternoon?A.hot B.hotter C.much hot D .much too hot-- Please ______ quiet I’m trying ______ study.--Oh ,I’m sorry .A.do,to B.be,to C.do,/ D.be,/


( )14.Let Mary ______ a book .A.to have B.having C.has D.have
It is ______ today than yesterday .Shall we go swimming this afternoon?
A.hot B.hotter C.much hot D .much too hot
-- Please ______ quiet I’m trying ______ study.--Oh ,I’m sorry .A.do,to B.be,to C.do,/ D.be,/

D.let sb.do sth 这个短语的使用
B 有than所以前面一定是比较级,所以用B.
B quiet是形容词,所以前面应该用be动词,后面是try to do sth 这个短语的使用.所以选择B.