could you help me r___ this heavy desk from the classroom?the ___(art) devoted all his time to improving his English before going father gave me much __(value) advice on which university to study in.


could you help me r___ this heavy desk from the classroom?
the ___(art) devoted all his time to improving his English before going abroad.
my father gave me much __(value) advice on which university to study in.

artist 艺术家
valuable 有价值的

1.remove 翻译:你能帮我把这个沉重的桌子从教室里搬走吗?
2.artist 翻译:这个艺术家在出国之前把他所有的时间都放在了提高英语上
3.valuable 翻译:我的父亲在去哪一所大学方面,给了我很多有价值的意见