汉译英,请看补充传统上说,中国人在 60 岁以前对生日并不太注意.六十大寿被认为是人生中极为重要的一次,因此经常要举行盛大的庆祝.在此之后每隔 10 年就要举行一场生日庆祝,也就是 70岁、80 岁等,直到去世为止.大体上说,人的年龄越大,庆祝的场合就越隆重.生日经常是由成年子女来为他们的父母庆祝,以表现出对父母的尊敬并就父母为他们所做的一切表达自己的谢意.


传统上说,中国人在 60 岁以前对生日并不太注意.六十大寿被认为是人生中极为重要的一
次,因此经常要举行盛大的庆祝.在此之后每隔 10 年就要举行一场生日庆祝,也就是 70
岁、80 岁等,直到去世为止.大体上说,人的年龄越大,庆祝的场合就越隆重.生日经常

Traditionally,Chinese doesn't pay too much atttention for birthday not until sixty years old.The age sixty plays an important role in a person's life.A big celebration will carry out on this particular birthday.After that another celebration will take place every ten years and onwards,that means seventy years old,eighty years old and so on until the end of the life.In general,the older one's gets,the bigger the celebration.Birthday party usually hosts by the children to congratulate their parents.This is a way to express their sincere thanks and respect to their parnets.