英语翻译I wrote this for Mark,a little boy who lives at the Thai orphanage I worked in.It's not terribly polished,but it's got real emotion...It always makes me think,(after I'm done missing the kids) about how love is a choice we make...a choice that we make despite what we know it might do to our hearts if we have to say goodbye.It's voicing acceptance of the chance (or certainty,in this case) of that pain.Also,that it is worth every heartache...


I wrote this for Mark,a little boy who lives at the Thai orphanage I worked in.It's not terribly polished,but it's got real emotion...It always makes me think,(after I'm done missing the kids) about how love is a choice we make...a choice that we make despite what we know it might do to our hearts if we have to say goodbye.It's voicing acceptance of the chance (or certainty,in this case) of that pain.Also,that it is worth every heartache...

我写的标志,一个小男孩谁在泰国孤儿院,我只有这并不可怕抛光过的生活这一点,但是它有真正的感情...它总是让我觉得,(以后我就完成了失踪的孩子)如何爱是一种选择,我们不作... 1尽管我们知道它可以做我们的心如果我们说再见,我们作出的选择。它表达的机会接受(或certai



我写了这封信给我工作过的泰国孤儿院的一个小男孩马克。它不是很完美 可却是真实的感情。它总是让我思考我们可以选择怎么样去爱(在我想这些孩子之后)
我们做出一个选择 尽管我们知道可能会伤心如果我们不得不说再见。它表示接受这个机会(或确定,在这种情况下)的那种痛苦。同样,它是值得每个人心痛……