当别人用英语说 thank you very mach 该咋回答捏


当别人用英语说 thank you very mach 该咋回答捏

Thank you,回答大全:
1) You are wecome;
2) My pleasure;
3) It's my pleasure;
4) It was nothing;
5) Anytime;
6) My job;(工作上的)
7) Glad that I could help;
8) Don't mention it;
9) I'm glad that I could help;
10)I appreciate it;
11)I was very nice of you.
12)Not at all(别客气,美式不习惯说)
如飞到澳大利亚更人多都用,No worry.

我都回答never mind和You are welcome

very much
answer:not at all ,my pleasure ,you are welcome

You are welcome.

That's OK.
That's all right.
You're welcome.
It's a/my pleasure.

you are welcome

it's ok

you're welcome
my pleasure
not at all
don't mention it.
这些都可以 那个顺嘴说那个

You're welcome