


It's time to took measures to improve your English now.(不用以为took时态错了,It's time to 句型中,用过去式表现在)
Most peoople suggest that you should listen to music as much as posibleand watch films to improve your listening.(suggest意思为建议时,句子用虚拟语气,should+动词原形)
If (it is) possible,you may as well keep a diary in English.(may as well不妨 )
It is also very important to frequently practise oral English with your friends.
If you often read, your language sense is sure to be improved to some extent.
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1. It's time to take measures to improve your English.
2. We all advise you to listen to English songs frequcently and improve your linstening by watching movies.
3. You'd better keep a diary if you are available.
4. It is also important to practise oral speaking with your friends.
5. If you often read, your language sense will be improved.

It the right time to take measures to improve your English level.Everyone suggest you to listen more English songs and see more English movies to enhance listening ability.If possible,you can write di...

1. English being moment now need to adopt measure improving you has been horizontal.
2. Everybody all suggests that you listen to the English song much , goes to the movies to improve hearing.
3. If why do possibility's words , you can use English keep a diary. 4. Speaking is also very important often together with the friend.
5. If you often read aloud , your certain language sense increase.