5句中译英1.说服一个人改掉长期养成的习惯是很不容易的(it's +adj.+...)2.每个人都不得不经历人生的潮起潮落(go through)3.他把自己说成是学者(describe ...as)4.她拒绝回答有关她个人收入的问题(refuse to)5.你可以把收音机的音量调高些吗?(turn up)不要google翻译,也不要机翻,括号中的词都要用到,


1.说服一个人改掉长期养成的习惯是很不容易的(it's +adj.+...)
2.每个人都不得不经历人生的潮起潮落(go through)
3.他把自己说成是学者(describe ...as)
4.她拒绝回答有关她个人收入的问题(refuse to)
5.你可以把收音机的音量调高些吗?(turn up)

1,it`s hard to persuade a person to get rid of a long-term habit.
2. All the people have to go through life's ebb and flow
3 he described himself as a scholar
4 she refuse to talk about her personal income

5 can you turn the radio volume up a bit more

1.It's difficult to persuade someone to change his long-term habbit.
2.Everyone has to go through ups and downs.
3.He describe himself as a scholar.
4.She refused to answer the question to her income.
5.Can you turn up the radio?

1. To persuade a person get rid of long-term habit is not easy
2. All have to experience life's ebb and flow
3. He said to himself as a scholar
4. She refused to answer questions about her personal income
5. You can turn the radio volume up a bit more?