How much did you( ) the mobile phone?A,cost B,spent C,pay,for D,take写出原因


How much did you( ) the mobile phone?A,cost B,spent C,pay,for D,take写出原因

C pay for sth 是为某物付款
cost的用法是某物值多少钱,how much did the mobile phone cost?
spent需要加介词on,而且前面以及有did,后面要用动词原型spend,how much did you spend on the mobile phone?

选C pay for sth. 为某物付钱
cost 主语是物 The phone cost me 1000yuan yesterday.
spend 主语是人I spend 1000yuan on the phone.
take 买下,带走 The phone is great, i will take it.

pay for 花钱时要用pay for 通常是人做主语 某人为某物花....钱
cost 用在物作主语时
spend take 通常表示花费时间



spent后面应该要有介词on spend money on sth

答案:C.◇ cost 主语是物:it/sth costs sb some money例:These chairs cost 40 each.这些椅子每把价钱为40英镑.例:Dangerous driving could cost you your life.开车不注意安全有生命危险.◇ spend 主语是人:sb...