


His 金字塔 is second big 金字塔,it is near HA LA FU‘s金字塔 and a big 师生人面象。IN 古埃及,The lions is 力量的象征,so,Fa Lao has theri 狮身人面像

His pyramid is the second biggest in the world. Beside the pyramid of Khalaf also stands a giant sphinx. In ancient Egypt, lion is the symbol of power, so pharaohs have their own sphinx.

His pyramid is the second hugest one in the world; beside Khalaf 's pyramid there is a huge sphinx. In Ancient Egypt, the lion was the symbol of power, so faroahs had their own sphinxes.

his pyriad is the second biggest pyriads in the world ,behind the lahafu pyriad,there is a huge sphinx ,in eqypt,lion is the symbolic of power,so Pharaoh can have their sphinx.

His pyramid is the world's second largest pyramid,the pyramid in Cardiff next hara,and a huge the great sphinx,in ancient Egypt,the lion is a symbol of power,so pharaoh have their the great sphinx.