英语翻译Is there any harm in letting a child get used to taking a cozy toy lik a woolly animal to bad with him?Definitely not.If a toy gives him a sense of comfort and companionship,it's good for him.Human begins are born sociable.It's not surprising that a child,particularly an only one,feels a little lonesome going to sleep in a room by himself .Don't worry if the toy gets dirty or ragged.You can have it washed or cleaned,but don't diapose of it for hyg


Is there any harm in letting a child get used to taking a cozy toy lik a woolly animal to bad with him?Definitely not.If a toy gives him a sense of comfort and companionship,it's good for him.Human begins are born sociable.It's not surprising that a child,particularly an only one,feels a little lonesome going to sleep in a room by himself .Don't worry if the toy gets dirty or ragged.You can have it washed or cleaned,but don't diapose of it for hygienic reasons.
What about hard toys?Parents or nursery teachers sometimes fear that a child will hurt himself or disturb his sleep by rolling onto these.You don't need to worry.Children can sleep peacefully in a bed piled high with prize possessions.

那如果是质地很硬的玩具呢? 父母或幼儿园的老师经常怕孩子因为玩这些玩具受伤或者影响到睡眠。你其实大可不必担心。孩子可以安详的睡在堆满了各种玩具的床上。

umm... after read the whole article i did not find any phrase like ' take sth to bed' , however in the second line there came 'take sth to bad with sb.' is that the question u wanna ask?
