how to write eassy on a given statement例如给出一个statement,"reports show that " 然后让写essay supporting this statement.请问这个given statement 是不是应该原封不动的放到introduction那?请帮我列个大纲吧?或者请告诉我这个statement 应该放在introduction 里的的几句话?


how to write eassy on a given statement
例如给出一个statement,"reports show that "
然后让写essay supporting this statement.请问这个given statement 是不是应该原封不动的放到introduction那?请帮我列个大纲吧?
或者请告诉我这个statement 应该放在introduction 里的的几句话?

第一段就提出问题.当然句式可以稍更改.Recently the ...has been brought into focus...Nowhere in history has the issue been more visible.In this essay,I aim to explore this complicated phenomenon from div...