高三英语语法题!倒装句!1.Many a time ____.A.has he given us good advice B.has he given us some good advicesC.he has given us good advice D.he has given us good advices2.My grandmother ____ old and sick,and every other day ____ to the hospital for a treatment.A.was,she went B.was,went she C.is,goes she D.is,does she go3.Often ____ these Young Pioneers ____ good deeds.A.seen have I,doing B.have I seen,to doC.I have seen,be doing D.have I seen,do4.Now and then ____


1.Many a time ____.
A.has he given us good advice B.has he given us some good advices
C.he has given us good advice D.he has given us good advices
2.My grandmother ____ old and sick,and every other day ____ to the hospital for a treatment.
A.was,she went B.was,went she C.is,goes she D.is,does she go
3.Often ____ these Young Pioneers ____ good deeds.
A.seen have I,doing B.have I seen,to do
C.I have seen,be doing D.have I seen,do
4.Now and then ____ to the top of the water for air.
A.the whale comes B.the whale must come
C.must the whale come D.must come the whale
5.Not once ____ as ____ him to.
A.has he done,I asked B.has he done,did I ask
C.he has done,I asked D.he has done,did I ask
6.When he lived in the country,always ____ early and ____ to bed early.
A.did he get up,went B.did he get up,go
C.does he get up,goes D.does he get up,go
7.So tired ____ after a whole day’s hard work that he ____ stand.
A.was he,could hardly B.did he be,could hardly
C.was he,couldn’t hard D.he was,hardly could
8.So ____ that modern industry cannot develop without it.
A.electricity is important B.important is electricity
C.electricity important is D.important electricity is
9.Such a noise ____ that I couldn’t work in the room.
A.is there B.there is C.was there D.there was
10.In such a hurry ____ that he forgot to lock the door.
A.did he leave B.does he leave C.he left D.has he left
A.Thus did the economic reform begin B.Thus began the economic reform
C.Began thus the economic reform D.Began the economic reform thus
12.On the winding path ____.
A.were the footprints of some savages to be found
B.to be footprints of some savages were found
C.were to be found footprints of some savages
D.footprints of some savages to be were found
13.On the top of the hill ____ where the monk once lived.
A.does a temple stand B.a temple stands there
C.stands a temple D.a temple stands
14.In the front of the classroom ____.
A.is the desk for the teacher B.has the desk of the teacher
C.it is a desk for the teacher D.has it a desk of the teacher
15.In the distance ____.
A.has a boat B.was a boat C.a boat was there D.where has a boat