-How can I get to the hospital?-I can go on the No.2 bus.哪里错了?问的是 I 是 我 怎样去,回答用 I 除了on 改为by 那个 I 没有错误吗?


-How can I get to the hospital?-I can go on the No.2 bus.哪里错了?
问的是 I 是 我 怎样去,回答用 I
除了on 改为by 那个 I 没有错误吗?

把I 改为You

I can go by the No.2 bus.

-How can I get to the hospital?
-You can go by the No.2 bus.

on 改为by

-How can I get to the hospital?
-You can go by the No.2 bus.