将下各句中的代词按其作用填入相应的方框中.1、—This nice bike is for you. —Thank you,dad.2、—My father is a doctor.What about yours? —He is a teacher.3、You have more oranges than I,but I don't think your oranges are better than mine.4、It was raining so hard that both of his feet were wet.5、Help yourselves to some fish,boys.6、—I have nothing to do during the summer holidays. —Why don't you get something interesting to read?7、—Which do you prefer ,coffee or milk?


1、—This nice bike is for you. —Thank you,dad.
2、—My father is a doctor.What about yours? —He is a teacher.
3、You have more oranges than I,but I don't think your oranges are better than mine.
4、It was raining so hard that both of his feet were wet.
5、Help yourselves to some fish,boys.
6、—I have nothing to do during the summer holidays.
—Why don't you get something interesting to read?
7、—Which do you prefer ,coffee or milk?
8、—Did Li mend her bike by herself?
—No,Johnson,a friend of hers mended it.
9、 —Shall I sit at this end of the boat or the other end?
—If you keep still,you can sit at either end.
10、—Who was the young girl?—It was myself.
题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1、—This nice bike is for you. —Thank you,dad. for是介词,后面跟宾语,所以 you充当宾语成分2、—My father is a doctor.What about yours? —He is a teacher. my father主语 yours 宾语 ...