英语翻译比萨斜塔比萨斜塔(campanile di pisa)其实是比萨教堂(duomo)的一部份,整座教堂建筑分为主教堂、洗礼堂与钟楼三大部份.主教堂采用了拉丁十字架式,有些设计高雅别致的柱子作装饰;教堂的正面是洗礼堂,紧接著教堂而兴建;在后方有一罗马式的建筑,其圆顶部份是在百多年后才兴建的,采歌德式的设计,像是一个圆球上的圆锥体,十分独特.比萨斜塔离大教堂20多米,本是大教堂的钟楼,外观呈圆柱形,是由白色大理石砌成.在塔基上用拉丁文刻的始建年为1174年,于1350年竣工;但实际上比萨古时所使用的历法比公历早一年,所以比萨斜塔的始建年为1173年.据说比萨斜塔是用比萨舰队运来的六艘战利品建成的.比萨斜塔高54.5米,直径16米,重约1.4万吨.斜塔共有八层,除底层和顶层有所不同外,其余六层结构完全一样.斜塔底层有15根圆柱,中间六层各有31根圆柱,顶层12根.沿石柱有宽4米的环行走道.斜塔每层都有拱门,总共有213个,斜塔底层墙壁上刻有浮雕,顶层有钟亭.塔内有螺旋台阶294级,供游人登塔,远眺


比萨斜塔(campanile di pisa)其实是比萨教堂(duomo)的一部份,整座教堂建筑分为主教堂、洗礼堂与钟楼三大部份.主教堂采用了拉丁十字架式,有些设计高雅别致的柱子作装饰;教堂的正面是洗礼堂,紧接著教堂而兴建;在后方有一罗马式的建筑,其圆顶部份是在百多年后才兴建的,采歌德式的设计,像是一个圆球上的圆锥体,十分独特.

Campanile di pisa
Campanile di pisa of Pisa is the church of Pisa a part of the whole church building at the main church, baptism together with the three major part of the clock tower. Cathedral of the use of the Latin-cross, and some elegant design and unique decoration for the post; church is a positive test together, followed by the construction of the church and; in the rear of a Roman-style building, which is part of the dome in more than a hundred years after the construction of , To adopt the Gothic design, like a ball on the cone, very unique.
Campanile di pisa of Pisa more than 20 meters away from the cathedral, the Cathedral is the clock tower, was the appearance of cylindrical, is a white marble structure. In Taki's engraved with the Latin founded in 1174 as the year on completion in 1350; Pisa but in ancient times used Gregorian calendar than a year earlier, so the campanile di pisa of Pisa was founded in 1173 . Leaning Tower of Pisa is said to have pizza delivered to the fleet of six into the spoils of war.Campanile di pisaof Pisa 54.5 meters high, 16 meters in diameter and weighing about 14,000 tons. A total of eight-storey tower, with the exception of the top and the bottom is different from the other six-storey structure is exactly the same. Leaning Tower of the ground floor there are 15 columns, each six-storey 31 in the middle column, the top 12. There are columns along the wide and 4 meters of Central Road to walk. Leaning Tower of each arch are a total of 213, the Campanile di pisa of the bottom of the wall engraved with relief, there are top-level Zhongting. Tower has 294 spiral steps for a plethora of visitors, overlooking the city scenery.
Campanile di pisa of Pisa is the world's history of building a major miracle. Due to the heavy pressure on the tower and the soft geology, the foundation of the south than the north, about 2 meters. During the construction of the tower is a slight tilt, with the progress of the project and the increasing inclination. To the tower built to the third level, it is clear that tilt, once lay-off. More than a century later, the engineer Tommaso Pisano • carefully measured and calculated that although the Leaning Tower of Pisa tilt, but it will not collapse, so that the original design of the project to continue with the work to continue until completion.
Since the tower was tilted more and more serious ,it is expected to eventually be unable to resist gravity and fall. In order to save the Campanile di pisa of the Government of Italy, nothing technical, with the final steel supports, and is no longer open Leaning Tower of internal and comprehensive protection. After 11 years of renovation, the tower was in 2001 re-opening to the outside world and to ensure that the next 250-300 years, there will be no collapse of the crisis.
