1how did you find your missing key 2how did you find James Cameron's new film Avatar last night?1A I found it in my drawer B Quite by accident C It was well kept by the monitorD I had no idea where it was2A Oh,wonderful indeed!B I went to the cinema alone C First by train and then by shipD A guide showed me the way 这2个问题的How did you find 意思一样么.怎么感觉一个是怎么找到的.一个是感觉怎么样.


1how did you find your missing key 2how did you find James Cameron's new film Avatar last night?
1A I found it in my drawer B Quite by accident C It was well kept by the monitor
D I had no idea where it was
2A Oh,wonderful indeed!B I went to the cinema alone C First by train and then by ship
D A guide showed me the way 这2个问题的How did you find 意思一样么.怎么感觉一个是怎么找到的.一个是感觉怎么样.

第二题:B直接排除掉.选A.James Cameron's new film Avatar是指的电影《阿凡达》.所以人家问的肯定是觉得这个电影怎么样,而不是怎么找到这个电影.