选择正确的单词或短语完成短文take out,write down,read,hand in,draw,write,colour.now class begins.please a piece of paper.let's make our class rules in this class.fist,please lesson one and then some rules on the paper.after that,you can some pictures near the rules and them.now your name and it after class 写单词就行


take out,write down,read,hand in,draw,write,colour.
now class begins.please a piece of paper.let's make our class rules in this class.fist,please lesson one and then some rules on the paper.after that,you can some pictures near the rules and them.now your name and it after class

take out, read,write down,draw,colour,write ,hand in

now class begins.please take out,a piece of paper.let's make our class rules in this class.fist,please read lesson one and then write down some rules on the paper.after that,you can draw some pictures near the rules and colour them.now write your name and hand it in after class
take out,read write down draw colour write hand in (hand in 本为一个词组,但是当 与代词连用时 要把他们拆开,代词放中间)