


Books are made of paper and paper is made from woods
I will not believe that there are aliens until I see them by myself
Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past decade

1.Books was made up of paper and paper was made up of wood (was是is的过去时)
2.I won't believe alien until i see it by myself
3.Though Mr.Wang is very busy,he still do sports every day


Books are made from paper and paper is made of wood.
I do not believe there are aliens until I see them.
Thought Mr. Wang is very busy, he still does sports every day.

book is made of paper but paper is made of wood.
i will not believe alien until i see it by myself.
though mr.wang is busy,he still do spors everyday
a big change has tacken place in my hometown

字数限制分2部分1. Book is made of paper, while paper is made from wood. 2. I didn't beleve the existence of aliens until i saw them. 3. Though Mr. Wang is very busy, he still does sports everyday.