雅思作文评分剑5test4task2Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personlaity and development than any experiences we may have in our life.which do u consider to be major influence?In this day and age,research from scientists shows that the characteristics we are born with have much more impact on our personality and development than experience we have in our life.From my perspective,I consist that our char


Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personlaity and development than any experiences we may have in our life.
which do u consider to be major influence?
In this day and age,research from scientists shows that the characteristics we are born with have much more impact on our personality and development than experience we have in our life.From my perspective,I consist that our characteristics are less important than any experiences we may have in our life.
On the one hand,our parents nurtureing us plays a paramount role from we growing up.What we experience is that we should focus on.For instance,when a child thought one plus one is three,his or her parents must have shown the correct answer is two.Through this failed experience,the child will remember this equation.Futhermore,one juvenile person might be cultivated a celebrity,though he or she is not a genius ,or not intelligent at all.Parents can change children what they think,or how they do.More precisely,many ordinary adolescences can have good personality and development,althought they are not geniuses.Additonally,some disables children might become famous people oweing to their perents’ nurture and encouragement.If clever children did not be cultivated by their parents,geniuses would become ordinary people.
On the other hand,it is manifest that children have the flawless characteristics from parents is very crucial.Admittedlly,geniuses youthes easily achieve their goals,become celebrities.Moreover,what is needed,the education is the key.Only do intelligent children study in good universities,they can use the petention they have.Natural characteristics are indispensable as well.
To sum up,characteristics or experiences,which have more influence on our personality and davelopment,it is a controversial argument in the contemporary world.Pesonally,I believe that experiences we may have more impact on our pesonality and development.