much more than sowhat we found is that our taste for equality is one of the important reasons why we cooparate with each other ,much more so than,say,other species of primate这句话中much more so than是什么意思呀,是个词组吗?


much more than so
what we found is that our taste for equality is one of the important reasons why we cooparate with each other ,much more so than,say,other species of primate这句话中much more so than是什么意思呀,是个词组吗?

much more so than...

much more so than不是词组.我们发现我们对公平的态度(或口味)我们为什么能互相合作的重要原因.就这个来说,比其他种灵长动物好的多.much more than 是一个比较连接词组.so 是代替"对公平的态度(或口味)是为什么...