英语翻译I first went to hear a live rock concertwhen l was eight years old.My brother and his friends were all 41 ofa heavy metal group called Black Wednesday.That day,there was a performance inour local theatre and my brother 42 methe ticket.1 was really excited!Iremember the buzz(嘈杂声)of excitement inside the theatre as we all found our 43 .After a few minutes.the lights went down.I could hardly make out(看清)the stage in the 44 .We waited.Then there was a


I first went to hear a live rock concertwhen l was eight years old.My brother and his friends were all 41 ofa heavy metal group called Black Wednesday.That day,there was a performance inour local theatre and my brother 42 methe ticket.1 was really excited!
Iremember the buzz(嘈杂声)of excitement inside the theatre as we all found our 43 .After a few minutes.the lights went down.I could hardly make out(看清)the stage in the 44 .We waited.Then there was a scream from thecrowd as the members of the band 45 the stage.The first song wasalready starting and the music was as loud 46 ajet engine.
Ican't recall any of the songs that the band played.I really enjoyed the showand didn't want it to 47 .But in the end.after three encores(加演),the show finished.We walkedslowly out onto the pavement.I felt a little dizzy(晕),as if I had just 48 froma long sleep.
After the performance.I became a Black Wednesday fan too for yearsbefore 49 into other kinds of music.Once in a while,though,I listen to one of their songs and imagine I'm back at that 50 show.

我第一次去听了一个活石concertwhen升八岁.我的哥哥和他的朋友们都称之为黑色星期三41 OFA重金属组.这天,有inour地方戏剧表演和我的兄弟42 methe ticket.1真的很兴奋!Iremember兴奋剧场里面的嗡嗡声(嘈杂声) ,因为...