


Good morning.)Here is the weather report for cities in China today.It's cloudy in Shanghai.It's good to go for a walk.The weather is fine and sunny in Chongqing.And it's hot and rainy in Chengdu.Please bring your umbrella with you.The weather is windy and warm in Wuhan.Harbin is snowy and cold.It's good for skating.
Thanks for listening.Have a good day.

(Good morning.)Here is the weather report for cities in China today.It's cloudy in Shanghai.It's good to go for a walk.The weather is fine and sunny in Chongqing.And it's hot and rainy in Chengdu.Please bring your umbrella with you.The weather is windy and warm in Wuhan.Harbin is snowy and cold.It's good for skating.
Thanks for listening.Have a good day.共计70~72个词.