英语翻译文章如下:No one can shake,but also can not change my love for you,perhaps passage of time,But I still love youLove a person,not necessarily always know what he was doing,it does not have to report his whereabouts at any time with you,love is on the heart,although I am not talking about that I really love you.Has always been,please Believe me,baby Waiting for me,baby,I will come back,I remember our agreement


文章如下:No one can shake,but also can not change my love for you,perhaps passage of time,But I still love you
Love a person,not necessarily always know what he was doing,it does not have to report his whereabouts at any time with you,love is on the heart,although I am not talking about that I really love you.Has always been,please Believe me,baby
Waiting for me,baby,I will come back,I remember our agreement

The way of I love you我爱你的方式No one can shake,but also can not change my love for you,perhaps passage of time,But I still love you 没有人能动摇,也没有人能改变我对你的爱.随着时间的推移,我依然爱着你...