1.They have won the game.(改为否定句) They _____ _____ the game.2.They had a good time at the party last night.(改为同义句)They____ ____ the party last night.3.He spent two hours in finishing my homework.(改为同义句)It ____ ____ two hours _____ _____ homework.4.Jack has just(finish his homework).(就括号内提问)_____ has Jack just _____?


1.They have won the game.(改为否定句) They _____ _____ the game.
2.They had a good time at the party last night.(改为同义句)
They____ ____ the party last night.
3.He spent two hours in finishing my homework.(改为同义句)
It ____ ____ two hours _____ _____ homework.
4.Jack has just(finish his homework).(就括号内提问)
_____ has Jack just _____?

1.haven't won
2.enjoyed themselves 或 had fun
横线后面是不是少了一个 at?
3.took him to finish
4.What done
括号里应该是 finished
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