It rains much in winter in Greece.(改为同义句) =There is (lots ) (of ) rain in winter in GreIt rains much in winter in Greece.(改为同义句)=There is (lots ) (of ) rain in winter in Greece.追问为什么用了lots of而用的is?


It rains much in winter in Greece.(改为同义句) =There is (lots ) (of ) rain in winter in Gre
It rains much in winter in Greece.(改为同义句)
=There is (lots ) (of ) rain in winter in Greece.
追问为什么用了lots of而用的is?

答案:【 lots of 翻译为许多,在此修饰的是不可数名词rain】




lots of 后面既可以跟可数名词,也可以跟不可数名词.
本句中的 rain 是不可数名词,所以用 There is ,而不用 There are .