I have been to the library to borrow some books的提问!急!此题是补全对话:A:HELLO,dear!I have waited for you for half an hour.________________B:I have been to the library to borrow some books.I'am so tired and hungry now.I want to eat something.后面的我就不写了,请回答横上要填的,谢谢了!我不知道用什么时态,...急,多给几个答案,为什么不能用Where did you go?


I have been to the library to borrow some books的提问!急!
A:HELLO,dear!I have waited for you for half an hour.________________
B:I have been to the library to borrow some books.I'am so tired and hungry now.I want to eat something.
我不知道用什么时态,...急,多给几个答案,为什么不能用Where did you go?

可以用where did you go.只是太生硬.在这种情况下英文看来那更有一种责怪的意思,语法没错,不过一般不能这样回答.你可以说what happend.是什么事情导致你不能准时,更多关心的是对方发生了什么事情而不是给别人的感觉...