1 he,it,to,new,difficult,remember,found,every,word.2 will,call,we,visit,friends,our,if,don't,never,them,we,first.3 you,why,have,reasons,any,you,are,do,late?4 you,before,ever,to,shut,the,forgotten,door,you,have,leave?5 her,that,girl,in,was,lying,surprised,see,a,to,cat,bag.6 much,traveling,Paris,around,by,can,taxi,cost,money.7 impolitr,for,goodbye,you,to,leave,it,without,saying,is.8 bank,we,to,establish,help,a,food,to,hungry,need,people.9 to,must,someth


1 he,it,to,new,difficult,remember,found,every,word.2 will,call,we,visit,friends,our,if,don't,never,them,we,first.3 you,why,have,reasons,any,you,are,do,late?4 you,before,ever,to,shut,the,forgotten,door,you,have,leave?5 her,that,girl,in,was,lying,surprised,see,a,to,cat,bag.6 much,traveling,Paris,around,by,can,taxi,cost,money.7 impolitr,for,goodbye,you,to,leave,it,without,saying,is.8 bank,we,to,establish,help,a,food,to,hungry,need,people.9 to,must,something,be,trying,get,in,the,there,window.10 of,us,most,like,who,can,musicians,write,own,their,songs.11 had,you,better,down,and,lie,rest.12 are,you,what,for,doing,weekend,vacation,next?13 was,with,talking,I,when,came,in,teacher,the,my,classmate.14 you,nerver,are,to,young,too,start,things,doing.15 much,that,of,pair,how,is,sale,on,pants?

1.he found it difficult to remember every new word
2.If we don't call our friends first, we will never visit them.
3.do you have any reasons why you are late?
4.Have you ever forgotten to shut the door before you leave?
5.That girl was surprised to see her cat lying in a bag.
6.Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost much money.
7.It is impolite for you to leave without saying goodbye
8.We need to establish a food bank to help hungry people
9.There must be something trying to get in the window.
11.You had better lie down and rest.
12.What are you doing for vacation next weekend.
13.When I came in, the teacher was talking with my classmate.
14.You are never too young to start doing things.
15.How much is that pair of pants on sale?

1 he found it difficult to remember every new word2 we will never visit our friens if we don't call them first3 do you have any reasons why you are late4 have you ever forgotten to shut the door befor...