初一英语(关于过去时)假设您叫王东,去年暑假你去度假了.请给你的朋友Helen写一封信讲讲你的旅行.信的开头已给出.内容要求包括以下信息.1、Where did you go 2、Were you with your family?3、How was the weather?4、What did you do?5、Was the food good?6、Do you want to go there again?Dear Helen,How is everything going?Last summer,I……


1、Where did you go
2、Were you with your family?
3、How was the weather?
4、What did you do?
5、Was the food good?
6、Do you want to go there again?
Dear Helen,
How is everything going?Last summer,I……

What are you doing for vacation?
I am a movie star. I usually work so hard in my workdays. Recently, I just finish acting in a Hollywood movie so that I have got a week time holiday.
I plan to spend my holiday in *. * is well known because of its prosperity and it is the heaven of shopping. Moreover, my friends told me that * is an international modern city which makes foreign visitors feel comfortable. So I booked an air ticket to * and a five-star hotel which locates near the Victoria Harbour. I plan to spend five days in *. Three days for shopping and tasting delicious food and the rest of two days to visit my star friends in *, such as *.
I wish I would have a good time in Hong Kang!

Dear Helen,How is everything going?Last summer,Iwent to Nanjing.I go there with my family.The Nanjing's winter is cold and the summer is very hot.I brought a lot of souvenirs here.The food in Nanjing ...