英语翻译1 我快要下班了 / 我还有5分钟就要下班了2 我快该去上班了 / 我还有5 分钟 就要去上班了.3 距离你上班 / 距离你下班 还有几分钟?4 这是你几年前拍的照片?这是我十年前拍的照片5 距离会议开幕 / 闭幕 还有几天?距离会议 开幕还有20 天6 桌子上的一本书引起了我们的注意是什么引起了你们的注意呢?几个句子 ,英语翻译 下.


1 我快要下班了 / 我还有5分钟就要下班了
2 我快该去上班了 / 我还有5 分钟 就要去上班了.
3 距离你上班 / 距离你下班 还有几分钟?
4 这是你几年前拍的照片?这是我十年前拍的照片
5 距离会议开幕 / 闭幕 还有几天?
距离会议 开幕还有20 天
6 桌子上的一本书引起了我们的注意
几个句子 ,英语翻译 下.

1. i am going to leave office soon./ i am leaving office in 5 minetes.
2.it's time for me to go to office./ i will go to office after 5 minetes.
3.how soon is it before u go to/leave office.
4.when did u take these pictures? these pictures are taken ten years ago .
5.how many days are there before the openning/closing ceremony? there are 20 days before the openning ceremony.
6.the book on the desk attracted our attention.
what is it that attracted ur attention.

I will get off work / I have 5 minutes to work
I had to go to work / I have 5 minutes to go to work
The distance you work / distance you arrive a few minutes?
This is your a few years ago photos? This is my ten years ago photos
Distance conference opening / closing a few days?
There are 20 days from the opening of the meeting
On the table a book brought to our attention
What caught your attention?

1、It is time to get off work for me///It is only five minutes to get off work
2、It is time to go to my work //// It is only five minutes to go to work
3、How many minutes is there before your going to your work//getting off your work?
4、When did you take it?////It has had ten years before taking it
5、How many days is it before the meeting will begin or end?
6、It drawn our attention for a book on the table////What is it that draws your attention?

I am going to off work / I have 5 minutes off work
I should go to work soon / I go to work in 5 minutes.
from you work / do you have a few minutes after work?
is this your photos a few years ago? This is my photos taken ten years ago

5 、distance opening / closing meeting and a few days? Opening meeting and 20 day 6
of the book on the desk what caught our attention is caught your attention?