一道初二英语情景对话,填词(一共5个)A:Hi!B:HI!May I speak______LiangLiang?A:Of course,This is LiangLiang_______.B:LiangLiang.This is TaoTaoThere will be abasketball match,Let,s _______it,lpease?A:OK ________where and when shall we meet?B:Sorry ,Iforgot to tell you,at 2:00 in the afteenoon at the gate of school.A:I konw.


B:HI!May I speak______LiangLiang?
A:Of course,This is LiangLiang_______.
B:LiangLiang.This is TaoTaoThere will be abasketball match,Let,s _______it,lpease?
A:OK ________where and when shall we meet?
B:Sorry ,Iforgot to tell you,at 2:00 in the afteenoon at the gate of school.
A:I konw.