10这个句子有没有语法错误,请检查一下,The patent is a right that the patentee has the patent about invention and creation,namely,nation according to the law grants the rights to the creator and the successor about the right that they can alone occupy and use the nvention and creation专利是指专利权人对发明创造享有的专利权,即国家依法在一定时期内授予发明创造者或者其权利继受者独占使用其发明创造的权利 、请试着修改一下,


The patent is a right that the patentee has the patent about invention and creation,namely,nation according to the law grants the rights to the creator and the successor about the right that they can alone occupy and use the nvention and creation


A patent is a set of exclusive rights granted by a national government to an inventor or their assignee for a limited period of time in exchange for a public disclosure of an invention.
这是由wiki搬过来的 我贴连结的话通过不了(我在国外,所以才叫你自己去看 我刚也贴不到链结)
字面上跟你的中文意思也不太相同 只是更贴切
后面部分也说明了patent的真正意义 (发明者要把发明公开化 来换取在一段有限的时间内使用其专利创作的权利) 通常是15-20年不等 看不同国家的法例