根据汉语提示及英文意思补全句子1. i was late for the meeting yestersay because the ________ (交通) was very busy 2. could you please help look after mu ______(婴儿) for a while ? 3. i left a ______ (便条) to tell my mother that i would be home late that night . 4. vegetables can't grow well here because the soil is ________ (多沙的)


1. i was late for the meeting yestersay because the ________ (交通) was very busy
2. could you please help look after mu ______(婴儿) for a while ?
3. i left a ______ (便条) to tell my mother that i would be home late that night .
4. vegetables can't grow well here because the soil is ________ (多沙的)

1 transport \ road
2 baby
3 paper
4 filled with sand \ sandy