what's the meaning of life?I think that life is meaningless.When you were born to thisworld,you couldn't choose what kind of family and whatparents were.When you grow up,you have to force yourselfto fit into society and work for living like a headlessfigure.When you get marry,all you do is just to feed yourfamily and children,and teach your descendens how to makea living and lead a decent life.All your dreams such asgoing abroad,taste all kinds of del


what's the meaning of life?
I think that life is meaningless.When you were born to this
world,you couldn't choose what kind of family and what
parents were.When you grow up,you have to force yourself
to fit into society and work for living like a headless
figure.When you get marry,all you do is just to feed your
family and children,and teach your descendens how to make
a living and lead a decent life.All your dreams such as
going abroad,taste all kinds of delicious food worldwide,
and lead a king's life are just daydreaming that will
never come true.You see what you don't like to see,eat
what you don't like to eat,and do the jobs you don't like
to do.So it's meaningless.what's your opinion?