英语翻译1.到上学期你们学会了多少首歌 2.到昨天晚上,他把这篇课文读了三遍 3.十点钟前,我们到达了车站4.在他上中学之前,已学会了两百多个英语单词5.当我们到达电影院时,电影已经开始5分钟了6.昨天我看见李平了.自从我们离开北京,就一直没有见面



1.How many songs have you learned last term?
2.I have read this passage for 3 times till last night.
3.We have reached the station before ten o'clock.
4.He had learned more than 200 words before he goes to middle school.
5.By the time we arrived at the cinema, the film had already started.
6.I saw Liping yesterday.We have not met each other since we left Beijing.

1 How many songs had you learned until last semester?
2 He had read the passage 3 times until last night.
3 We had arrived the station before 10 o'clock.
4 He had learned more than 200 English words before he entered Junior High.
5 When we arrived at the cinema, the movie had already started 5 minutes ago.
6 I saw Li Ping yesterday. We hadn't seen each other since we left Beijing.

1.How many songs had you learnt by your last term?
2.He had read the article three times by last night.
3.We had arrived at the station by ten o'clock.
4.He had learnt more than two hundred English words by the time he went to high school.
5.The movie had been on five minutes by the time we got to the cinema.
6.I met Li Ping yesterday.We hadn't seen since we left Beijing.