英语翻译With the development of enterprises,thehuman resource is becoming more and more important and people with greattalence is becoming the core of enterprise.How to have this group of people’sattention and keep them in the enterprise?The advantage of performanceassessment is one activity to attempt to this gole.This activity is aim to makean objective and fair human resource decision which based on thecollection,analyzation,accessment and retroaction


With the development of enterprises,thehuman resource is becoming more and more important and people with greattalence is becoming the core of enterprise.How to have this group of people’sattention and keep them in the enterprise?The advantage of performanceassessment is one activity to attempt to this gole.This activity is aim to makean objective and fair human resource decision which based on thecollection,analyzation,accessment and retroaction of the workers’behavior andother aspects.As an efficient measure of enterprise management,an efficientperformance assessment plays an important part in the human resourcemanagement,if we apply it properly,it will bring many advantages,forexample,theworkers’passion,the cohesion of the enterprise ,the strong marketcompetitiveness.On the contrary,if we can’t apply it properly,a lot of troubleswill be made.Such as the lower satisfaction of workers,the loose of humanresonce,the worse benefits and so on.Effecient management of human resource isbecoming an essential way to acquire competical advantages and success.Thistext will talk about the performance accessment management of some company.