every body says that he is ate up with pride 应该怎么翻译呢?BE ATE UP WITH?


every body says that he is ate up with pride 应该怎么翻译呢?BE ATE UP WITH?

ate up with:consumed with someone or something; intrigued by someone or something.
就是被什么什么消耗,憔悴,或者 被什么什么吸引
例句:Bob is really ate up with hisnew girlfriend.Bob被他女朋友所吸引.
原句,every body says that he is ate up with pride,每个人都说他被他的骄傲所消耗.其实就是被他的骄傲拖累.ate up with是一个很口语化的用法
PS.你在看jane austen的傲慢与偏见啊.喜欢那本书.