

Every stream_____(flow)into the sea in the end
The little girl_______(freeze)in front of the big ugly dog.
Jack is a yes-man so he always o_______his wife
No c__________ate in this restaurant today
1.Milk and soda are_____,and bread and rice are_____
A.liquid,gases B.liquids ,solids C.solids,gases
2.We should _____the litter into the trashcan
A.pour B.pump C.drop D.with
3.The chemical works _______a lot of waster water into the river every year
A.pour B.pours C.carry D.carries
4.Water runs down the drain and goes to the ______during its journey
A.reservior B.water treatment works C.sewage plant D.sea
5.What_______things do we know about it
A.another B.other C.the other D.others
6.be covered by=

flow (流入)
is freezin(发抖)
O bey(遵从)
C ustomer(客人)
1 B ( 液体 ,固体)
2 A (倒...入...)
3 A (带...入)
4 C (污水处理厂)
5 C (还有,另外的)
= be covered with (被...覆盖)