"Some people still believe the world is flat," he said. "You are joking," I replied,"I don't know anyone who does." "Well,you know me," he replied,"I believe that the earth is flat.I met a man the other day.I forget his name now. "He said that the earth look like a flat disk." "Are you tring to tell me that you believe him?" I asked. "I certainly do," he answered,"I think that he is right." "And which side of the dish do you live on?" "Oh,I don't know


"Some people still believe the world is flat," he said.
"You are joking," I replied,"I don't know anyone who does."
"Well,you know me," he replied,"I believe that the earth is flat.I met a man the other day.I forget his name now.
"He said that the earth look like a flat disk."
"Are you tring to tell me that you believe him?" I asked.
"I certainly do," he answered,"I think that he is right."
"And which side of the dish do you live on?"
"Oh,I don't know.He didn't tell me that."


1.他说"一些人仍然认为地球是平的," he said.
2 他回答说"你开玩笑呢," "我不知道什么人有这种想法。"
3 他回答说"喂,你了解我的," "我相信地球是平的。前几天我遇到一个人,我现在忘了他的名字
4 他说地球看上去像一个很平的磁盘。
5 他问我"你是想告诉我你相信他吗?"
6 "当然了," 他回答到,"我认为他是对的。"

