英语翻译我希望将来有一天我能梦想成真.I hope my dream ___ ___ ___ ___.我家乡周围有许多度假景点.There are lots of ____ ____ around my hometown.他工作非常忙,以至于整年没回天津.He was so busy that he has not come to Tianjin ____ ____ _____.这位女士是交换项目中的一位成员.The lady is on an ______ ______.


我希望将来有一天我能梦想成真.I hope my dream ___ ___ ___ ___.
我家乡周围有许多度假景点.There are lots of ____ ____ around my hometown.
他工作非常忙,以至于整年没回天津.He was so busy that he has not come to Tianjin ____ ____ _____.
这位女士是交换项目中的一位成员.The lady is on an ______ ______.

will be come true
vacation sight
all a year

1.will realize some day
2.holiday views
3.in whole year
4.exchange project

1.will realize some day
2.vacation resorts
3.all year round
4.exchange program(或者 item)