请给我帮个忙 有关7年级英语的 把2人称改为3人称


请给我帮个忙 有关7年级英语的 把2人称改为3人称
I get uq at 5:00 is the morning
I run at 6:40 in the morning
I eat breakfast at 7:10 in the morning
I go to school at 7:35 in the morning
I go home at 6:00 in the afternoon
I go to bed at 9:00 in the eveaing

he gets uq at 5:00 is themorninghe runsat6:40in the morning he eat s breakfast at7:10inthemorninghe goestoschool at 7:35in the morninghe goeshomeat6:00in th...