It is said/thought/known/reported/estimated/believed/ (that)是什么意思It is said/thought/known/reported/estimated/believed/ (that) 是什么意思最好在造个句子


It is said/thought/known/reported/estimated/believed/ (that)是什么意思
It is said/thought/known/reported/estimated/believed/ (that) 是什么意思最好在造个句子

1.It is said that 据说(=people say 即大家都这么说)that 后面接一个从句,that 可省略。例:
It is said (that) he is only 13 years old.据说他才13岁。
=People say ( that) he is only 13 years old.大家都说他才13岁。
=He is said to be only 13 years old.他据说才13岁。
2.It is thought (that)大家认为......有人认为......that后同样接一个句子。例:
It is thought (that )he is the greatest person in the world.他被认为是世界上最伟大的人(同样请写出另两种表达)。
3.It is known that 众所周知......
4.It is reported that 据报道.....有报道称......
5.It is estimated that 据估计.....
6..It is believed that 据信......大家相信......

。 类似的有 : It is said/thought/known/reported/estimated/believed/ (that)+从句

给你一个句型转换,这样你就全部明白了.They say that Mary is very happy in London---------宾语从句===It is said that Mary is very happy in London ---------主语从句,it是形式主语,that是主语从句的连接词,Mar...