

作者是[德]沃尔夫冈·霍尔拜恩 海克·霍尔拜恩/著 王泰智 沈惠珠/译

刚读完这本书,我还有点儿喘不过气来,虽然主人公们一次次转危为安,但我依然为他们下一刻的安全而担忧.在一系列围绕着“法老的诅咒”展开的故事中,我同样感到恐惧,同样感到放松,同样感到勇气涌上心头,同样在人物的言语中渐渐明白许多道理. 故事得从3300年前讲起.那时,埃及法老阿肯那顿遭到围杀,才知谋杀他的是他的臣子和朋友——埃叶.于是,临终时,法老发出了诅咒——叛徒将活着,得不到安息,直到有一天,一个死人把他所有的武士唤醒......3300年以后,诅咒即将应验.各个神祗为了实现诅咒或毁灭诅咒都不断寻找所谓的“死人”——阿顿.也只有阿顿才能完成这个诅咒.最终,诅咒实现,被唤醒的武士们又化为尘埃,雅西尔也如愿以偿地死去了. 整个故事,我想,多数人读完后,仍不会相信“木乃伊复活”之类的事——就连我,也觉得这不过只是科幻小说罢了.或许,如大部分人所想,这的确是虚构的.也许,正如文章中说的,神祗们确实因人们的信仰而存在;而埃及,也的确是我们难以真正步入的一个国度,那样神秘. 也许当你听到《法老的诅咒》这个书名时,不禁会问,那一本《法老的诅咒》啊?的确,有很多关于法老的丛书,但我不得不说这一本是我看过最精彩的一本书了. 主人公叫阿顿,是古埃及太阳神的意思,他的使命就是实现阿肯那顿法老对杀他的凶手埃叶的诅咒,诅咒是这样的“你将不会死,在三千年后有一个死人把我的武士唤醒,那个时候你才能够死去……”阿顿经历了荷拉斯,奥西里斯众神的追击,每次都死里逃生,他的守护天使叫萨沙,可以说每次都是她千钧一发之际救了他.最吸引我的是那两只宠物,两只拥有古埃及神灵名字的宠物,阿努比斯,一直又大又黑的短毛猎犬和巴斯苔特一只小猫咪.整个故事扣人心弦,让人心肌梗塞,好书~! 想着这,我忽然为自己找到了一个解释:一个事物,当人们还怀念着他时,他不也就活在了人们的心里么? 当然,当我们随文字来到帝王谷中那座巨大的金字塔形洞穴时,发现那是怎样的荒凉衰败,又随阿顿回想起这里曾经的富丽堂皇、珠光宝气,也深深明白——一切曾生成的东西,终有一天要消逝.这或许是一个永恒不变的自然法则.而人们心中的,则是一种同样存在的物质——感受英文版:After reading this book, I have a little breathless, although the heroes again and again turned the corner, but I am still safe for them to worry about the next moment. In a series around the "Pharaoh's curse" story started, I also feel fear, the same feeling relaxed, feeling the same courage to rise in my heart, the same in the figures of speech in the slowly come to understand many principles.The story from 3300 years ago, Let's talk about. At that time, the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten was Wei Sha, I discovered that his murder of his courtiers and friends - Egyptian leaf. As a result, death, the Pharaoh issued a curse - a traitor would be alive, not rest, until one day, a dead man all his warrior wake. . . . . . 3300 years later, the curse will come true. The various gods curse or Curse of Doom in order to achieve the constant search for the so-called "dead man" - A Dayton. Only A Dayton in order to complete this curse. Eventually, the curse implementation, to be awakened warrior who has turned into dust, Ya Xier also fulfill its wish to die.The whole story, I think most people read, still do not believe that "mummy resurrection" of the sort of thing - even me, and also think that it is only a science fiction Bale. Perhaps, as most people think, this is indeed fiction. Perhaps, as the article said, the gods are really exist because of people's beliefs; and Egypt, it is indeed difficult for us to truly enter a country, so mysterious. Maybe when you hear the "pharaoh's curse" when the title, can not help but ask, which of the "Pharaoh's curse" ah? Indeed, there are many books on the Pharaoh, but I have to say that this is the best I've seen a book. Jiao A hero Gordon, is the meaning of ancient Egyptian sun god, and his mission is to achieve the Pharaoh Akhenaten of Egypt to kill the murderer leaves his curse, curse like this, "You will not die, one dead three thousand years after wake up my warriors, that time you can die ... ... "A Dayton has experienced He Lasi, chasing the gods Osiris, and each time survived, and his guardian angel named Sasha, we can say every time the occasion of her close call saved him. The most attracted me was that two pets, two have pet names of ancient Egyptian gods, Anubis, has been big, black pointer, and a special little kitten Bath moss. The whole story exciting, people myocardial infarction, good book ~! Think of this, I suddenly found an explanation for itself: a thing, when people still remembered him, he did not also live in the hearts of people Mody?Of course, when we went to Valley of the Kings with text in a huge pyramid Nazuo cave, we found that it was kind of desolate decay, but also with the Aton recall here once magnificent, bedecked in jewelry and also deeply aware - all have been generated things, one day to fade away. This may be an eternal law of nature. The people's minds, then there is a kind of the same material - feeling