1`I received a letter from my brother with an usual stamp on which( )my collection of stamps.


1`I received a letter from my brother with an usual stamp on which( )my collection of stamps.
A added up to
B added to
C added in
D added together
2 On cold winter morning,we always find it hard to get our cars ( )
A started
B starting
C to start
D A or C
3 In big cities,cleaning women get paid by the hour.这一句里的“paid”能不能改成“to be paid"

第一个选Badded up to和added together都是 总计 的意思added in是把.加进去的意思显然需要用被动而且也不是省略句 选 项的时态是和前面一样的一般过去式若选added in前面应该加was第二个选A车子...