it seems to be the big tour operators that take the ( )share of the profits.英语


it seems to be the big tour operators that take the ( )share of the profits.英语
it seems to be the big tour operators that take the ( )share of the profits.
A.tiger's B.bear's C.elephant's D.lion's

选D 英语中的the lion's share 出自《伊索寓言》里的一则故事,故事主角是万兽之王----狮子.这只狮子擅长狩猎,且很贪心,不肯把共同狩猎的战利品分给其他同伴,用暴力恐吓同伴,自己独享所有的猎物.于是用the lion's share 指“最好或最大部分”.现在明白了么?