不定式做定语DO you want something to drink.但是书里有句:you can find the information you need为什么不是you can find the information to you need


不定式做定语DO you want something to drink.
但是书里有句:you can find the information you need为什么不是you can find the information to you need


不定式做定语 DO you want something to drink:
Do you want to drink something?

you can find the information you need 中省略了关系词 that。原句是:
You can find the information (that )you need。

你那句 you can find the information to you need 是错的。语法上错了,语义上也说不过去。

所谓不定式是 to + 动词原型
you need是主谓结构,不是动词原型,应该是you can find the information (that) you need,省略了that的定语从句
因此此处不是to you need

这个是省略了 that 。You can find the info. (that) you need。