英语翻译1.我父母曾到南美洲住,假期里我常从欧洲乘飞机到哪里去.【unsd to】2.除开tina,在业务是照顾他了【attend】3.我们必须尊重长辈.【show respect for】4.我懊悔没有早点出发.【regret】5.我们可以从以往的经验中学到很多【experience】6.我们骑骆驼的那次旅行是一次很有趣的经历【experience】7.当我们到家时,母亲已经为我们准备好了晚饭【perpare sth for sb】必须用到 会面的词语


1.我父母曾到南美洲住,假期里我常从欧洲乘飞机到哪里去.【unsd to】
3.我们必须尊重长辈.【show respect for】
7.当我们到家时,母亲已经为我们准备好了晚饭【perpare sth for sb】
必须用到 会面的词语

1.My parents once arrived at the South America to live, so in the vacation I unsd to go there by plane from Europe
2.Except tina, was attend him in the service
3.We must respect show respect for the elder
4. I regretted not to leave earlier
5.We can learn a lot from the former experience
6.The travel which we ride camel's during is a very interesting experience
7.When we arrived home , the mother already prepared the dinner for us

1. My parents once lived in South America, so I used to fly there from Europe and spend my holiday there during my vacations.
2. Besides Tina, he attends the business.
3. We have to show respect for our seniors.
4. I regretted not having left earlier.
5. We can learn a lot from our past experience.
6. The camel travel was a very interesting experience.
7. Mother had already prepared dinner for us when we got home.

1.My parents used to live in South America where I usually go by air.
2.There was no one to attend him but Tina.
3.We must be show respect for elder member of a family.
4.I regret that I set off late.
5.We can learn a lot of things by in the past experience.
6.We have a travel by ride a camel is a interesting experience.
7.My mother was perpare dinner for us when we go home.