英语翻译A farmer had a cow.He looked after his cow.One day when it was ill,he was worried.He telephoned the vet.The vet came and gave the cow a complete examination.He told the farmer the cow was seriously ill and she needed to take some strong medicine.He took a little bottle out of his box,and put two pills into the farmer's hand.“Give her these,”he said,“Put the pills into his mouth and let her take them.The medicine can make her feel better.”The vet a


A farmer had a cow.He looked after his cow.One day when it was ill,he was worried.He telephoned the vet.The vet came and gave the cow a complete examination.He told the farmer the cow was seriously ill and she needed to take some strong medicine.He took a little bottle out of his box,and put two pills into the farmer's hand.“Give her these,”he said,“Put the pills into his mouth and let her take them.The medicine can make her feel better.”The vet also gave him a tube and said,“Put the pills in the tube and put the tube into her mouth.Then blow.Yhat'll make it.”The vet left.The next morning the vet came again.He saw the farmer sitting outside his house and looked more worried.The vet was very strange and asked the reason.The farmer said,“I did what you said but the cow blew first.Now she is still ill and I'm feeling very uncomfortable myself.”