这篇雅思作文 几分?之前考了三次作文都是5分 现在正在背8分万能作文那本书 大家看看我的作文问题出在哪 Nowadays,a lot of charities and organizations have publicized their activities and a number of special days,like 'National Children's Day',for encouraging good care of children,and 'National Non-smoking Day',for encouraging person to pay more attention to health.Why do these organizations take these activities,and what will be the effect?作文如下 Increasingly special days are now publicized by the charit


这篇雅思作文 几分?
之前考了三次作文都是5分 现在正在背8分万能作文那本书 大家看看我的作文问题出在哪
Nowadays,a lot of charities and organizations have publicized their activities and a number of special days,like 'National Children's Day',for encouraging good care of children,and 'National Non-smoking Day',for encouraging person to pay more attention to health.Why do these organizations take these activities,and what will be the effect?
Increasingly special days are now publicized by the charities and organizations.Because people are more concern about the quality of their lives than ever before and followed this trend,the organization have the responsibility to publicize a lot of special days which affect people’s lives such as the National Children’s Day and the National Non-Smoking Day.
However,some people argue that the special days evolve as a profit-making entity.Within this system,efforts to employ the charities activities and the special days for positive effect have always struggled to stay alive,nearly besieged by the overflow of commercial publicity.The real beneficiaries are the organizations instead of the public.
To my opinion,whether those special days will benefit us is mainly depended on ourselves.The organizations are just an extension of human behaviour,if people attract no attention to their health,their children or their parents,any kinds of special days are useless.For instance,most parents have to work everyday with no attention to their children.While on the National Children’s Day,they realized that they have the responsibility to care about their children.But after that special day,they back to work and again without any awareness of their children.
The special days have some active effect,and indeed,I respect the aims of the charities and the organizations to publicize the special days,I do not believe it is the only way to encourage people,in fact,to make these special days more effective,human behaviour is the key.
写的时候想法倒是有 就是写不出来啊 于是选择背范文
背了范围之后自己的想法就没了 总想把背过的句子用上 还容易跑题 观点不明确
咋整啊 还有一个月考试 作文得要6分 求一些短期的提高方法 看了一楼说的 不准备继续死记硬背了 不知每天写一篇是否可以啊?


爱因斯坦曾说“人只有献身于社会,才能找出那短暂而有风险的生命意义。” 谭千秋老师救护学生的事迹,表现出他的献身精神和体现他这种生命的意义。他的光辉形象,一直浮现于我的脑海。谭千秋老师在废墟下的真面目跃然纸上,他张开双臂趴在课桌上,保护四位学生,他的身臂被玻璃碎片划得伤痕累累,令人感到悲伤!他是多么的一位好老师,他以尽到了自己的职责,保护学生的安全,让这些学生远离了可怕的地震灾难。因此,谭千秋老师的救援学生的消息很快的传遍了全校,他的同事夏开秀说:“在我们学校的老师里他是最心疼学生的一个,走在校园内的时候,远远地看见地上有一块小石头,他都要走过去捡走,怕学生玩耍时受伤。”正是由于谭千秋老师具有对学生的爱心,才使得他在地震发生的一瞬间从死神手中夺回了四个学生的生命。

1,句子太长,断句不准 ------ 很多资料表明,雅思考试作文的要求是简洁,清晰.
