英语翻译Leading scientists have joined the growing chorus of concern (worry) about governments and companies rushing into producing biofuels (生物燃料) as a solution for global warming,saying that it could be harmful if they do not consider the long-term influence of what they are doing carefully.It is necessary to build standards for the supply system of any green fuel project in order to make sure that there aren't any side effects on the environment and so


Leading scientists have joined the growing chorus of concern (worry) about governments and companies rushing into producing biofuels (生物燃料) as a solution for global warming,saying that it could be harmful if they do not consider the long-term influence of what they are doing carefully.
It is necessary to build standards for the supply system of any green fuel project in order to make sure that there aren't any side effects on the environment and social structures.The report produced by the scientists expresses concern that many companies may not be fully aware of the possible disadvantages.
Production of crops (农作物),such as corn and soya beans,has increased greatly in the last few years as another eco-friendly choice to natural fuels,but environmental and human rights movement leaders are worried that this will lead to destruction (破坏) of rain forests.Food prices could also go up as there is increasing competition for crops as both food and sources of fuels.Last week,the UN warned that biofuels could have dangerous side effects and said that steps need to be taken to make sure that land chosen to grow biofuels does not damage the environment or social structures.There is already great concern about palm oil (棕榈油),which is used in many foods in addition to being an important biofuel,as rain forests are being cleared in some countries and people driven from their homes to plant more palms.
The report suggests that biofuels are not a solution for climate change but they can play their part as long as governments and companies manage the social and environment influence thoroughly.There should also be greater measures (措施) taken to increase the effectiveness and to reduce needs.
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