问大家几道英语方面的问题1、All things (A),the planned trip had to be called off A considered B be considered C considering D having considere 这题为何选A 2、We kept our (c) all night to frighten the wolves A burning fire B burnt fire C fire burning D fire burnt 3、They have done things they ought (c) A not to do B not to be done C not to hvae done D not having done这题为何选c 请给我讲讲这几道题好吗,


1、All things (A),the planned trip had to be called off A considered B be considered C considering D having considere 这题为何选A 2、We kept our (c) all night to frighten the wolves A burning fire B burnt fire C fire burning D fire burnt 3、They have done things they ought (c) A not to do B not to be done C not to hvae done D not having done这题为何选c 请给我讲讲这几道题好吗,

2.keep doing sth 禁止做某事 3. ought to do

1.all things considered,这是习惯用法,省略主语我们.别以为是被动句式.
2.keep fire buring, 保持动作连贯,keep +vt.ing
3.ought (not )to have sth. done.必须(或不必)做过某事,因为句头告诉你They have done things ,所以用完成时.

1.这个all things considered是分词做状语,这里表达事情都被考虑了,所以用上被动语态.
2.keep后面是跟keep done或者keep doing 两种,本题中要表达fire 在燃烧的状态,所以就用keep doing 表达一直在这个状态
3.ought to do sth 是固定的搭配,这里的意思是他们已经做了他们原本不需要做的事